Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Commence my new venture!

HELLO WORLD! How are you?

This is my very first post on my very new blog (yay!). 
I have no idea how this works, and no grasp of the rules yet so please bear with me. 
I am Chloe, from little old England and this, I've decided, shall be my new venture in life. 

I want to make this blog in order to keep track of my life, to share with the rest of the internet my likes and dislikes, and document my little adventures. No one knows what this will turn in to, as with most of my creative ideas, but right now I have thoughts of making it a lifestyle/beauty/frequent update blog with the occasional deep, debatably insightful or inspirational thought that is bound to leak out. I'll try and keep it as light and bubbly as humanly possible!

Maybe I should start off with a little bit about me, if you don't mind:
- As the current title suggests, I am a self-confessed introvert.
- I am a girl.
- I spend a little too much of my time watching Youtuber's videos and wishing I was their best friend.
- I occasionally Youtube myself.
- I am a lover of Gilmore Girls, New Girl and Les Mis, and have several guy friends who feel the same way. 
- I sing, and try to play guitar.
- Someday, I hope to be involved in film for a living. 
- I am a lover of all things creative.
- I have too many creative ideas. 
- I should go out more often. 

Thats some of me in a nutshell! 

If you like the sound of me, please do stick around and join me on whatever this little venture shapes into. I promise it will be fun, and worth your while! 

Now I think I'll go and google 'how to blog' and hope I can work out what I do on here.

Nice to meet you!

Til next time.

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